Saturday, January 2, 2010

... resolutions ...

So I've thought them through and slept on them.  Here we go:

1. More water everyday!
2.  Less carbs more veggies.
3. Work out twice on weekdays once on weekends.  (Not specific to going to the gym, I have plenty of dusty work out videos and equipment at home).
4.  More snuggle time with the kiddos.
5.  More dates with the husband.
6. More reading! (Less FB).

I know... there's a lot.  I'll post my progress!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

... 2009 ...

It's been a grand year!

2009... the first, this year the Ortega's bought their first home.  It is a lovely home!  We do enjoy the residence that has become the Ortega Castle, and all our fears of being homeowners seem long gone.

Our babies are growing and are now a little terrible twosome.  Best friends!  Owen is such a well behaved little boy with such a large imagination.  Danica, a girly girl princess who still manages to balance the imitation of all of Owen's actions... but does so in her Princess Ariel heels.

My love bug and I... still madly in love.  Yes, even the arguing, which sometimes will last for days and days over the silliest things... they are still done with love!  My honey is my best friend and he knows it!

Another year behind us, with loving memories and hopes for another exciting year ahead!  We can't wait to see what 2010 has in store.

Happy New Decade!