Sunday, October 3, 2010

... Kindle, my love ...

The girls new best friend...

I can not say enough about my Kindle.  Upon hearing about the "e-reader" I knew that one day I would HAVE to have one.  I waited patiently, found other items that were a higher priority, and continued reading good old paper backs.  I told myself that I was vintage, a precocious reader like myself need not go electronic.  As much as I knew the little voice inside was screaming out for a Nook or Kindle, I convinced myself that a true fan of the arts would never trade in the smell of a freshly opened page for the new age - go green - nonsense, and the year went by.  However, when my mother-in-law called to get the details on the Kindle from the hubby, I thought it was too good to be true.  The lie was up!  I waited everyday, counting down for the new release of the wifi-only Kindle 2, and going online to make a wish list.  

The first purchase on the little gadget upon arrival was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Then I went rummaging through the Kindle store to find anything free worth reading (tons) and anything for less that $2 that I had to have (I ended up cutting myself off after about 5 of those!).  I also chose a few free samples that I found intriguing.  Then, to stay true to myself, I ordered The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn... and crossed over into the e.  

What do I love the most?  Oh, I don't know.  The light weight.  The buttons on both sides allowing for comfortable control.  The fact that I can lay in bed and easily read a book without having to flip from side to side and figure out a way to hold the book without an arm falling asleep or random pages fighting me to lose my place.  I love that when I get to a word that I want to add to my vocabulary I can bookmark it in my Oxford dictionary with three clicks... aphorism, apropos, capricious, ennui... endless possibilities.  I love that when the ladies pick the new book club reading I can purchase it with a click of a button and not have to drive to Borders.  I love that I can throw the Kindle in my purse, and never lose my page.  I love that, if I have little time to read and lots of reading to do, I can turn on the voice feature - choose if I'd like a man or woman to read to me that day and at what speed - and ta-da... book on tape!  

It is amazing.  The quintessence of electronic upgrade!  GO GET IT. 

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